Display todays production per Enecsys inverter

It is very easy to display the performance per Enecsys inverter in a simple chart. This might be important to see if one inverter is defect/not producing or simply under performing http://www.dataservices.solar/SolarWeb/PowerBars.aspx?&sn=YOUR_GW_SERIAL&c=today Replace YOUR_GW_SERIAL with the serial number of your…

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Display daily production of Enecsys Inverter or Gateway

There is a way of directly displaying the daily performance per Enecsys inverter or gateway: Best seen with Google Chrome! Just use the URL followed by the SN parameter specifying the serialnumber. For example a Enecsys Gateway: http://www.dataservices.solar/SolarWeb/PowerBars.aspx?sn=2000003082 Or a…

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Graphical User Interface for Enecsys Monitoring

We added the first GUI to our system. More to follow very soon soon. As with the REST APIs we take the serial number of your gateway as a parameter in the GUI. For example if your Gateway has serial…

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Some sample PVOutput.org intraday charts for Enecsys created by Aloaha

http://pvoutput.org/intraday.jsp?sid=36130 http://pvoutput.org/intraday.jsp?sid=36177 http://pvoutput.org/intraday.jsp?sid=36149 http://pvoutput.org/intraday.jsp?sid=36150 http://pvoutput.org/intraday.jsp?sid=36179 http://pvoutput.org/intraday.jsp?sid=8840   If you want your system on PVOutput.org as well you need to: Purchase a license Send us an email containing Gateway Serialnumber, number and size of your panels, number and size of your…

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History of Aloaha Solar Monitor

Way back in 2012 we created a freeware tool called “Aloaha Solar Monitor” to monitor our companies Solar Panels with Enecsys inverter. That tool became quite popular over time. More details can be found here. With the increasing popularity of cloud…

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