From today http://www.enecsys.de is pointing to http://www.dataservices.solar/jahreslizenz-aloaha-solar-datacollector-cloud-dienst
From today http://www.enecsys.de is pointing to http://www.dataservices.solar/jahreslizenz-aloaha-solar-datacollector-cloud-dienst
Enecsys Generation 2 Gateway (BETA)
Um unseren alternativen Dienst zur Ueberwachung von Enecsys Invertern zu benutzen muessen Sie eine kleine Umkonfigurierung des Enecsys Gateways vornehmen. Wenn Sie mit uns Ihre Inverter ueberwachen moechten dann muessen Sie Ihr Gateway anweisen die Daten an uns zu schicken…
Purchase 1 year subscription for the Aloaha Solar DataCollector cloud service Please click on the “Buy Now” icon below to purchase a one year subscription for the Aloaha Solar DataCollector cloud service. Once you purchased please send the serial number of your Enecsys…
We are going to make small applets and also REST APIs to query specific things. As an example you can go to http://www.dataservices.solar/SolarWeb/SolarTest.aspx to query any Inverter or Gateway. Just enter your Gateway or Inverter Serial in HEX or LONG and…
To start logging to our cloud service just re-configure your Enecsys Gateway to point to monitor.dataservices.solar as shown on the screenshot at the end of this post. To log on to your Gateway please have a look at the LCD Display…
Enecsys Inverter always connect to the first Gateway they reach. If now the gateway is of your neighbour you will not see your reading – or the other way round your reading is to high since it includes your neighbors…
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