Configure Enecsys Gateway

To start logging to our cloud service just re-configure your Enecsys Gateway to point to as shown on the screenshot at the end of this post.

To log on to your Gateway please have a look at the LCD Display on the Gateway. You find there your Gateways IP Number (marked in red on image below). Connect to that IP Number with your web browser.

Enecsys Gen 1 Gateway

Enecsys Gen 1 Gateway

For example if you see the IP Number then you need to type into your web browser:

You will then be asked for a username and password.

The default username for your Gateway is admin and the default password is password.

After you re-configured your Enecsys Gateway we start logging your data,

After a few minutes you can access data via serialnumber via:

Please have also a look at our REST APIs and our WEB GUIs

In case username/password admin/password do not allow you in or your Gateways Web interface looks different you might have a Generation 2 Gateway. In that case please contact us by mail so we send you the detailed instructions.

Please make sure that the Proxy settings are DISABLED. Make sure the check box is NOT ticked!

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