Display Enecsys Inverter performance data with Aloaha PowerBars

With the URL http://www.dataservices.solar/SolarWeb/PowerBars.aspx you can display various performance values of your Enecsys Inverters. With the overview page http://www.dataservices.solar/SolarWeb/overview.aspx you get several bars on one screen or with http://www.dataservices.solar/SolarWeb/graphs.aspx you can browse between the various charts and pages. Check it out for example…

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Display todays production per Enecsys inverter

It is very easy to display the performance per Enecsys inverter in a simple chart. This might be important to see if one inverter is defect/not producing or simply under performing http://www.dataservices.solar/SolarWeb/PowerBars.aspx?&sn=YOUR_GW_SERIAL&c=today Replace YOUR_GW_SERIAL with the serial number of your…

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