Production per day, week or month – per system or inverter

If you want to display your production per day, week or month you can use the page cchart.aspx. The full URL is: cchart.aspx supports a couple of get parameters: Define Serial Number (of Gateway or Inverter) You can add a single…

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Display Enecsys Inverter performance data with Aloaha PowerBars

With the URL you can display various performance values of your Enecsys Inverters. With the overview page you get several bars on one screen or with you can browse between the various charts and pages. Check it out for example…

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Display todays production per Enecsys inverter

It is very easy to display the performance per Enecsys inverter in a simple chart. This might be important to see if one inverter is defect/not producing or simply under performing Replace YOUR_GW_SERIAL with the serial number of your…

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Konfigurierung des Enecsys Gateways

Um unseren alternativen Dienst zur Ueberwachung von Enecsys Invertern zu benutzen muessen Sie eine kleine Umkonfigurierung des Enecsys Gateways vornehmen. Wenn Sie mit uns Ihre Inverter ueberwachen moechten dann muessen Sie Ihr Gateway anweisen die Daten an uns zu schicken…

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Graphical User Interface for Enecsys Monitoring

We added the first GUI to our system. More to follow very soon soon. As with the REST APIs we take the serial number of your gateway as a parameter in the GUI. For example if your Gateway has serial…

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History of Aloaha Solar Monitor

Way back in 2012 we created a freeware tool called “Aloaha Solar Monitor” to monitor our companies Solar Panels with Enecsys inverter. That tool became quite popular over time. More details can be found here. With the increasing popularity of cloud…

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