Encsys Monitoring Features

Features of Aloaha Energy Monitor for Enecsys Gateways and Inverter

  • Cloud based - no additional hardware required to run 24 x 7
  • Easy configuration - just point your gateway to monitor.dataservices.solar
  • Graphical panel placement
  • PVOutput.org Proxy to duplicate your Energy data to your PVOutput.org account.
  • Many REST API for own website integration included
  • Graphical interfaces (GUI)  (more to follow)
  • Module-level performance
  • Historical pattern of energy generation
  • Error and Status codes for every connected inverter
  • Docking of Inverters to different Gateways
  • Supports Enecsys Generation I Gateways
  • Virtual Gateways

During the past few weeks we collected many features requests are currently implementing them. Subscriber of our cloud service will benefit automatically.

Planned features:

  • Mail alerting system
  • more GUIs
  • Admin console for PV Installer
  • ....

Contact us:

If you do not find your feature please do not hesitate to contact us via info@aloaha.com or the form below:

[contact-form-7 id="5" title="Contact Aloaha"]

New features activated

We introduced some new and frequently requested features: We extended the REST APIs with the xls parameter to allow the customer to download the table in Excel format. For example: http://www.dataservices.solar/SolarWeb/SolarREST.aspx?sn=2000010466&c=xls The customer can now request a backup of his data…

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Production per day, week or month – per system or inverter

If you want to display your production per day, week or month you can use the page cchart.aspx. The full URL is: http://www.dataservices.solar/SolarWeb/cchart.aspx cchart.aspx supports a couple of get parameters: Define Serial Number (of Gateway or Inverter) You can add a single…

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Display Enecsys Inverter performance data with Aloaha PowerBars

With the URL http://www.dataservices.solar/SolarWeb/PowerBars.aspx you can display various performance values of your Enecsys Inverters. With the overview page http://www.dataservices.solar/SolarWeb/overview.aspx you get several bars on one screen or with http://www.dataservices.solar/SolarWeb/graphs.aspx you can browse between the various charts and pages. Check it out for example…

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Display todays production per Enecsys inverter

It is very easy to display the performance per Enecsys inverter in a simple chart. This might be important to see if one inverter is defect/not producing or simply under performing http://www.dataservices.solar/SolarWeb/PowerBars.aspx?&sn=YOUR_GW_SERIAL&c=today Replace YOUR_GW_SERIAL with the serial number of your…

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