Graphical Inverter Layout
We just published a new page to allow users to organize their inverters on a layout page. The URL is: As with all our pages this page understands the SN parameter
We just published a new page to allow users to organize their inverters on a layout page. The URL is: As with all our pages this page understands the SN parameter
With the URL you can display various performance values of your Enecsys Inverters. With the overview page you get several bars on one screen or with you can browse between the various charts and pages. Check it out for example…
It is very easy to display the performance per Enecsys inverter in a simple chart. This might be important to see if one inverter is defect/not producing or simply under performing Replace YOUR_GW_SERIAL with the serial number of your…
Wie Sie bereits wissen befindet sich die Firma Enecsys in „Administration“. Was das bedeutet ist den meisten Kunden durchaus bewusst. Trotzdem fragen viele Enecsys Kunden bei uns an wie es nun mit der Garantie weitergeht. Der Konkursverwaltert von Enecsys schreibt dazu…
We added the first GUI to our system. More to follow very soon soon. As with the REST APIs we take the serial number of your gateway as a parameter in the GUI. For example if your Gateway has serial…
From tomorrow, 31.03.2015, our cloud service will support For paying customer we can then automatically forward their data to the above website. This feature will be also available in the next release of our appliction. Please note that we…
Since Enecsys went into Administration hundreds of gateways have been registered to our free monitoring system. While we see that as a huge success for our service we are also of the opinion that for Enecsys customer still under warranty…
Aloahas Enecsys REST APIs
To query your current and lifetime Enecsys output just enter any of your Serialnumbers (Inverter or Gateway) in HEX or Long below: Quick Access: REST APIs on: Quick Access: Quick Access:
We are going to make small applets and also REST APIs to query specific things. As an example you can go to to query any Inverter or Gateway. Just enter your Gateway or Inverter Serial in HEX or LONG and…